Leistritz Workshop

Participation information & conditions


When? May 16 -17, 2024
Day 1 begins at 9 a.m. (in the conference hotel)
Day 2 ends around 2 p.m.

Conference hotel Sheraton Carlton Hotel
Eilgutstr. 15, 90443 Nuremberg
Leistritz Extrusionstechnik GmbH
Markgrafenstr. 38 (Entrance Pump Technology), 90459 Nuremberg

Places are limited and will be allocated in the order in which registrations are received.

You should therefore register now


Registration deadline: April 30, 2024

Participation fee: EUR 690.- plus VAT if applicable.

For binding registrations by March 25, 2024 we grant a 20 % discount on the participation fee.


Your registration is recognized through the confirmation of participation and valid after paying the invoiced amount by bank transfer to the following account:


Commerzbank Nuremberg

IBAN DE28 7604 0061 0520 0167 00


Keyword Leistritz Workshop


Conference documents are handed over during the event.


Written cancellation is required.

In case of cancellation after May 6, 2024 the participation fee is invoiced in full.

The conference documents will then be sent after the workshop.

A substitute participant can be named upon prior agreement.


The Leistritz Extrusion team looks forward to seeing you in Nuremberg!



The following services are included when booking the
Leistritz Workshop:

  • Lectures by renowned speakers
  • Practical demonstrations in the technical center
  • Drinks, snacks and lunch on both days
  • Evening event including dinner on May 16, 2024
  • Transfers
  • Simultaneous translation German - English
  • Digital conference documents


Register your participation now!

Accomodaton is NOT included in the participation fee.

Participants take care of booking their rooms themselves.

A limited number of rooms have been reserved for workshop participants at a preferential rate at the conference hotel.

Please book your accomodation directly
at the Hotel Sheraton Carlton Nuremberg
stating the keyword "Leistritz Workshop".

The preferential rate is EUR 175.00 for a single room plus EUR 15.00 for the breakfast buffet.

Special rates are guaranteed until March 14, 2024.


Book your accommodation



Sheraton Carlton Hotel
Eilgutstr. 15
90443 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 2003-0


Leistritz Extrusionstechnik GmbH
Markgrafenstr. 36 – 39
90459 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 4306-9623



Do you need more information?

Simply contact our Extrusion Workshop Team.

We will be delighted to answer your questions.

Leistritz Extrusion Team

Leistritz Extrusionstechnik GmbH